Happy capitalism as excessive sweetness. Pip and Pop (aka Tanya Schultz and Nicole Andrijevic) work together as a collaborative duo. Their art practice encompasses installation, painting, photography and wall drawings. Their abundantly detailed and seductively colorful works are made from an eclectic mix of materials such as confectionary, plastic objects and plants, origami, vinyl, paint, and magazine cut-outs. With child-like optimism and playful working methods, they construct and transform everyday objects into elaborate and joyfully excessive artworks that explore notions of desire, abundance and blissful states of being.
Their fascination with kawaii (cute) aesthetics of Japanese pop culture is their main inspiration and celebrates the culture of mass consumption and joyfully embraces the after-effects that flow from the encompassing ecstasy of excessiveness. They term it “happy capitalism”. To see more of their work visit their website Pip & Pop. This has been your sugar fix for the day.