Why pick on me and my garden? Oncor is replacing most of the electrical poles here in University Park, and this new pole is located two and a half feet further in than the old pole, destroying the view of my garden from my house. I know there are going to be some smarty pants out there who will snicker and tell me that I should have installed one of those ugly stockade fences instead of the lace chain link, and that way, I wouldn’t have to look at the bottom portion of this pole. Don’t.
They couldn’t put this new pole on the other side away from my property, because that side of the old pole has a giant 800 pound transformer. This new transformer is so heavy (in order to serve the mcmansions in the hood) that it has bent the top of the old pole considerably. Refer to photo after the link. So the new pole will be larger in diameter, and supposedly we will have less outages. I’m not buying that. I think they’re deliberately going out of their way to mess up my aesthetics and me. They must hate me very much.