July 25, 2018

July 25, 2018. The concrete terraces and steps were topped with stone. At this point we were still waiting for the “construction clear” redwood and cedar to arrive before the steps up to the house could be built. Progress…
October 3, 2018

October 3, 2018. PROGRESS at Tumble Moon! Front steps are done. The steps are constructed of cedar, and the decking and step treads are 2 x 6 “construction clear” redwood. The back deck and steps are to be built next. Then all this new woodwork will be painted the same color as the exterior of the house.
October 6, 2018

October 6, 2018. The steps were originally designed to go in the opposite direction along the side of the house. And yes, that would have looked better, but unfortunately, the house’s water shut off is located there, and blocking this access was not an option. The steps are shallow so that my dogs have an easier time going up and down them. The dog door is located just left of the door in photo.