Now that my living room has a new area rug, it was time to take new photos. It’s gray and cold outside, and I felt like I needed some indulgence to brighten up my workday. Even though I may be working across the hall in my office, I can still appreciate the sound and smells of a crackling fire. But this time, instead of heading back to work after adding the logs, I chose to procrastinate a little longer. Hence these photos showcasing my new silk Stark area rug. Click the link below for more photos of this space.

Are you telling me the Stark rug was just now delivered? Well, have you laid down and rolled around on it as I asked before? Everything looks lovely.
Edith, no, the rug was delivered some time early last year, but I never got around to photographing the room till now. And no, I haven’t rolled around on it, but one of my dogs did pee on it while I was away in Paris. And this pee stain was allowed to stew for several weeks causing a color change. On my return, I immediately got an expert to spot treat the area. It was only one spot and the rug was fairly new and clean, so the entire rug didn’t need treatment. Hopefully visitors will not notice the 6 inch by 6 inch color shift. Pet and house sitters are not as vigilant as I am about making sure the dogs are kept out of the front areas when there’s no strict supervision. Some expensive disaster always happens when I take a vacation. Ggggrrrr.