Used instead of glass. I have a large collection of books that don’t happen to be fancy sets of gilded leather bindings that would provide a uniform and elegant look on open shelving. My dining room is a small space and could easily feel cluttered and claustrophobic with all the mishmash of various book covers. I have seen decorative wire grille used in the libraries of many historic stately homes and thought that by using a grille with elegant silk café-like curtains lining the inside of each cabinet door, I could trick the space into feeling unfettered and more spacious.
Six years ago, when I started my internet search, I wasn’t even sure what term to use. I finally found some decent wire grilles on Van Dyke’s Restorers’ website, but the pickings were scant. First I ordered a box of their samples, which was well worth the cost. Relying on the abbreviated online specifications and a low resolution picture was too risky for an amateur like me. Nothing is as effective as physically holding each piece, measuring the mesh opening, seeing the metal color choices, and placing them in the library/dining room environment with the other selected finishes and colors.
Since then, it appears that even more styles have become available, which is a bummer for me. One of the newly added styles is so very close to my inspiration example. Because this new grille option is nearly double the cost of what I finally settled on, you would think I would feel relieved and grateful. But I don’t. I have doubts.

In case you’re wondering where my books are, they are still packed in plastic cases in my garage, which are too heavy for me to cart down steps and up steps. So they would have to be brought inside one armload at a time. My free time has been spent doing yard work and house cleaning, and my paying work schedule is full. So I’m thinking (not promising) that I will be able to get to this book project sometime mid December, before the big leaf dump, which always occurs around Christmas and the week after–just in time to ruin my New Year’s eve.
Library Grillwork:
” I have a large collection of books..” Sure you do! “They’re in boxes”..sure they are!! LOL!
But it really is lovely!!
It’s a challenge! So when you come over to help me unpack those mysterious books, be prepared to encounter four years of rat and squirrel droppings. That is on the plastic cases–not on the books. But rest assured I’ve had the garage checked for the deadly recluse spider. None to be found just the previously mentioned turds.